We help you give and we strengthen the causes you give to

Generosity is our cause

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I’ve been asked to open a Partner Account for Individuals to receive support from a Stewardship Giving Account user. What does this mean?

A Stewardship Giving Account enables individuals to manage all their charitable giving in one place. They add funds to their account, and we will add Gift Aid, where applicable. They can request to give those funds to any Christian Worker, Bible College student, church or charity registered with us, and view all their giving to the different causes they support easily in their Giving Account. If you’re in Christian work or in training for ministry and fulfil our eligibility criteria, you can apply for a Partner Account for Individuals and the giver will be able to manage their giving to you in the same place.

A key benefit of this is we can claim 25% extra in Gift Aid for you, if instructed by the giver, because we are a charity. Meaning you may receive 25% extra support.

If one person has expressed interest in supporting you, there’ll likely be more who would be interested. If you apply and are approved, we’ll let you know the maximum amount of charitable funds you can receive from us which is the amount your supporters can give up to, including Gift Aid. You may not have considered proactively inviting individuals to partner with you to ensure you have an appropriate level of income and that your work is sustainable. We encourage you to consider this amount and proactively invite others to partner with you through prayer, financial support and encouragement to ensure your work is sustainable. Find out more in the section 4 'Helping you raise sufficient support levels'.

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