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Can I continue receiving payments from Stewardship whilst I'm on extended sick leave, a sabbatical/home assignment/furlough or maternity leave?

Extended sick leave - we are permitted to give you charitable funds for the expressed purposes of enabling you to carry out your work which fulfils our charitable objectives. Unfortunately, we are not permitted to provide ongoing support for individuals who are on extended sick leave. Your supporters can of course give to you directly if they wish to continue supporting you and we encourage you to consider what benefits may be available.

Sabbatical/furlough/home assignment or maternity leave - We can only support you during a sabbatical/furlough/home leave or maternity leave if you are continuing in your role after the leave. Please email us at [email protected]  with the following information regarding your planned leave for us to be able to confirm if we can continue your account during this period: 

  • Start date
  • Expected end date
  • Number of hours per week you will continue to work in your role (if any)
  • Any additional income you may receive during that period (e.g. if you plan to work in another paid role)
  • Any additional costs you expect to incur (eg accommodation costs or car hire if returning to the UK from overseas)
  • Confirmation that you plan to continue your role after the planned time

If we’re able to continue your account during this period, you’ll need to provide a signed scanned copy of a letter from your organisation (or support group if independent) confirming your plans and your intention to return to the role.


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