We help you give and we strengthen the causes you give to

Generosity is our cause

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Subscribe to hear from Stewardship

Whether you work for a Church or charity, are in ministry or simply want to be more generous, we have a newsletter for you.

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Monthly emails for supporters. Inspiration, practical tools and guidance to support the causes you love in more meaningful ways.

  • Monthly 

  • For supporters



Quarterly email for philanthropists. News, inspiration and guidance to support you on your giving journey. 

  • Quarterly

  • For philanthropists



Bi-monthly emails for Christian workers and Bible College students. Encouragement, practical tools and training opportunities to strengthen you in your support raising journey.

  • Bi-monthly

  • For Christian Workers and Bible College Students



Quarterly emails for trustees, treasurers and Church and Charity Leaders. Practical tools, technical resources and expert guidance to safeguard your mission and ministry.

  • Quarterly 

  • For trustees, treasurers and Church and Charity Leaders

Active Generosity podcast


Hear from our donors, partners and colleagues about their journey of generosity, exploring why and how they give, the joys and challenges they’ve experienced along the way and what a difference generosity makes to their lives.


  • Monthly

  • For those interested in living life generously

Training and Events


Regular email updates of Stewardship’s training and events opportunities.

  • Quarterly

  • For those interested in training and events opportunities