We help you give and we strengthen the causes you give to

Generosity is our cause

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How much support I should raise?

When you open your Partner Account for Individuals, we calculate a Support Raising target for you based on your circumstances. This is also the maximum amount of funds you can receive from us. We calculate the target based on:

  • the role you are doing
  • where you are based
  • your family circumstances
  • any other income or salary you may have

The target we give you may be more than you might expect because as well as general living costs the amount factors in paying tax and National Insurance and saving for the long term.

We also find those raising support aim to raise what they think they can get away with living on, so often scrape by which can threaten the sustainability of the ministry or the wellbeing of individual due to financial stress. Your target is what we think you should aim to raise to ensure your ministry is sustainable and not threatened by the impact of financial stress. Find out more here in our ‘Resources for Christian Workers – How much is enough’?

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