We help you give and we strengthen the causes you give to

Generosity is our cause

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I don’t want my profile page and/or my name to be visible online, what can I do?

If you prefer for your real name to not be visible online, you can either contact us to change your account name to an alias name which will show on your profile page rather than your real name, or you can disable your giving link (see below).

If you use an alias name, your real name will not appear in any searches on our online platforms.

If you prefer to not have a live profile page, you can disable it at any time in your online account. Go to 'Account settings', select the 'Profile' tab, and click 'Edit'. Untick the box 'Make profile public'. Your profile page will now show an error message and it will not be possible to search for or find your account on any of our online platforms. As supporters won't be able to give online, they can only set up support for you offline using your Support Form. 


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