We help you give and we strengthen the causes you give to

Generosity is our cause

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I don't have the time or money to attend the training, what should I do?

We make time for what is important to us. Prioritising time to build and invest in your partner team is an essential part of your role and to making your ministry sustainable, not an optional extra. As with any other job, we need to invest time and money to be equipped to do it well. 

The cost of our Support Raising Training is subsidised at £145.50; the equivalent of just four new supporters a month giving £30 with Gift Aid. Consider the impact of an additional £344 a month support coming in (the average attendees increase monthly support by) from a one time investment of £145.50. Some have increased support over £2500 a month following the training. 

If finance is an issue, don't let that stop you from coming. Email us at [email protected]  to ask for our simple bursary form where you can let us know what percentage you of the cost you are able to contribute for us to review.

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