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Six charities sharing gospel hope with people in poverty and debt

Matt Holderness Portrait Matt Holderness
7 min

A privilege to help those in desperate need

The Bible mentions poverty over 300 times and it's still a contemporary issue. Homelessness, job loss and food affordability are affecting millions of people in Britain, especially in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis.

Thankfully, there are a range of charities which are committed to helping those who need support, whether it’s helping people find housing, training people with workplace skills, or providing essentials at food banks for families who are in need of help.

1. Acts 435

When money is tight on a day-to-day basis, it only takes one unexpected event – such as a broken fridge  – and finances can quickly spiral out of control. Acts 435 is an online giving platform to enable donors to step into the gap and provide specific items for those struggling to meet their basic needs, such as a bus fare, a bed or electricity on their meter.

Working through a network of local churches and charities, Acts 435 ensures donations go directly to those who need it most – people like Carl, who was unable to afford a microwave for his first permanent home after a period of rough sleeping. Acts 435 donors quickly provided money so he could buy a microwave and meet his need:

"My confidence and self-esteem were at an all-time low and this affected everything. Having a cold sandwich or cereal every day becomes quite disheartening. Since I received the microwave, being able to have a reasonable meal has had such a big impact, and my outlook on life has become so much more positive."

A small gift can make a big difference for those in poverty and Acts 435 supports thousands of people every year who have nowhere else to turn. Acts 435 is a unique charity that connects those who want to give with those in desperate need, allowing donors to make a direct impact on someone's life. You can donate directly to Acts 435 through their website or make a one-off/monthly gift to their general funds through Stewardship.



2. London City Mission

London City Mission is dedicated to sharing the transformative message of Christianity while providing vital support to those facing poverty and hardship in the heart of the capital. With a focus on practical help, they offer a range of services including food distribution, shelter, and counselling for those struggling with addiction or mental health issues. Their commitment to holistic care ensures that every person is treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances.

Their bold vision is to see everyone in London invited, personally and lovingly, to enjoy an eternal, life-giving relationship with God. That means reaching one in two people, in one of the biggest cities in Europe – your gift, big or small, can help them on their way to achieving that.



3. Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

Christians Against Poverty is dedicated to helping people escape the chains of debt and poverty. Through a combination of debt counselling, budgeting assistance, and practical support, CAP provides individuals and families with the tools they need to regain control of their finances and rebuild their lives.

The budget CAP set for me gave me a plan of attack for managing my money in the future. Now instead of spiralling down, I’m spiralling up,” says Pete, an outdoor enthusiast, who is now debt free.

There are an estimated 14 million people in the UK who are living in poverty. You can help people like Pete become debt free with a one-off gift or monthly commitment through a Stewardship Giving Account. A donation of £15 could help someone taking those first vital steps on their journey out of debt with the support of the amazing CAP team.

happy people



4. Resurgo

Resurgo is on a mission to transform communities by equipping young people and adults with the skills, confidence, and opportunities they need to overcome challenges and secure a better future.

Through initiatives such as the Spear Programme, which focuses on employability skills, and the Re-Work Programme, which supports those facing long-term unemployment, Resurgo is changing lives by providing tangible pathways to employment and personal growth, resulting in significant stories like Julian’s.

Ella, Head of Philanthropy at Resurgo, is also inspired by the story of Amy, who took part in the Spear Programme in Bristol after dropping out of university due to a long-term struggle with her mental health. Amy described how everything “crumbled, and [she] had no idea what [she] was going to do or what [her] life was going to be, and it was terrifying”. Ella was really struck by how Amy described the impact that the Spear Programme had on her:

"Through coming to Spear, I've been given the tools to change my mindset and go from being in a very fixed mindset, to having a growth mindset, and knowing that I'm capable of change – and just knowing that I can do it, and we all can; we're all capable. I now have a job again! It’s a job I had last summer, but left due to my mental health struggles. I was only able to go back, and I only felt ready, thanks to the confidence that Spear gave me. And I'm just so incredibly grateful for this opportunity."

Ella sums up the work of Spear with these words:

"The Spear Programme exists for people like Amy – getting them into work, granting them financial security, and helping to lift them out of poverty. This is important. But I’m proud that Spear is about so much more. That it grants opportunity, equipping young people who so often don’t believe in themselves with the mindset that they are capable, that they have huge potential, and something valuable to offer to society. It’s this that makes our work so important to me."



5. Manchester City Mission

Operating in one of the UK's most vibrant and diverse cities, Manchester City Mission is committed to reaching out to those facing poverty, homelessness, and social isolation. Through a wide range of services including food banks, drop-in centres, and outreach programmes they provide practical support to vulnerable individuals and families. Their holistic approach addresses not only immediate needs but also works towards long-term solutions that break the cycle of poverty.

Operation Joy is one of their key projects which takes places on the streets of Manchester – reaching out to people at their point of need. Their street team share a message of hope through a special emphasis on friendship and trust by signposting rough sleepers to relevant organisations to receive practical support. Their most important aim is to see people set free by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, and they have seen miraculous things happening on the streets of Manchester.



6. Community Money Advice (CMA)

As the name suggests, Community Money Advice is all about helping individuals regain control of their finances and escape the clutches of debt. Through free, face-to-face debt counselling, budgeting advice, and advocacy, this charity equips people with the tools they need to navigate their way out of financial crisis.

CMA wants to extend its reach and support more individuals on their journey towards financial stability. Your support can make a real difference in someone's life, allowing them to experience the relief and hope that comes from gaining control over their finances.



To find more charities working to alleviate Poverty and Debt, go to our Causefinder page.

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Profile image of Matt Holderness
Written by

Matt Holderness

Matt joined Stewardship in 2022 with over twenty years of marketing experience from roles at Kendal College and Capernwray Bible School. He has degrees in Business and Marketing, Theology, Management and most recently a Masters in Hermeneutics. 

Through raising awareness of Stewardship’s services, Matt helps people explore the impact their generosity can have on the church and Christian charities. He’s passionate about supporting Evangelism and Bible causes, and has a particular interest in charities that are helping people in Poverty and Debt in the UK.