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Eight charities telling people about Jesus

A rich selection of organisations sharing the gospel

Matt Holderness Portrait Matt Holderness
7 min

A diverse range of ministries all focussed on sharing Jesus

Charities play a vital role in sharing Jesus with specific groups of people. From children and youth to students and beyond, they can bring a specialism and expertise that can complement and enhance the role of local churches in reaching the nation for Christ.

We’re delighted to support their mission and amplify their vision. Here are eight charities who are sharing the gospel in amazing ways.


The Navigators train students and graduates to follow Jesus and share the gospel. They assist individuals in facing life's difficulties through faith-based support, guidance and education.

'Get alongside one person' is a Navigators campaign that encourages Christians to find one person to share the message of Jesus with. The programme recognises that God places people with family and friends and in workplaces and community for a purpose.

My brother was really patient with me because for a long time I wasn’t ready – I wasn’t ready to go to church and I wasn’t ready to ask questions, but at the right time I had this perfect conversation which changed my life as my brother was able to express something of God’s grace. It blew my mind as I thought God wouldn’t be interested in me because of everything I’d been up to. Rois, Glasgow

Can you donate to the Navigators?



Speak Life

Speak Life uses digital media to share the gospel with people all over the world. They provide social commentary through podcasts, videos and social media that aims to help Christians share their faith. The Speak Life YouTube channel has 35,000 subscribers with over 4.5 million video views.

The Ministry Director and author of The Air We Breathe, Glen Scrivener, loves sharing Jesus and comments: ‘We want to see both church and world re-evangelised through captivating, Christ-centred proclamation.’

Can you help them achieve it?



LICC (London Institute for Contemporary Christianity)

LICC seeks to inspire people to live as followers of Jesus in all aspects of life. They believe that God cares about every aspect of life, not just the ‘holy’ parts, and want to see the world changed one community, organisation or workplace at a time.

LICC supports Christians in their faith through a variety of events and resources. They also work with church leaders to promote whole-life discipleship within their churches.




London City Mission

London City Mission (LCM) is committed to connecting with the diverse communities in London's urban areas. Their aim is to share the love of God and the good news of Jesus with as many people as they can.

They send missionaries who live with the least-reached groups to develop friendships whilst helping the city's churches with their mission. For example, by starting a food bank or running Bible studies to meet people like Ann:

Ann had lived on the same estate in London for more than 30 years. She'd given up on church, but things changed after she got a knock at the door. She met Shane, an LCM missionary, and a friendship grew between them. Conversations often turned to life’s bigger questions. And one Sunday, Ann took a big step. ‘I was sitting in my flat, looking at the clock and saw it was 11 o’clock... and I decided I’d give church a go. If I’m being honest, I was so nervous. But they greeted me with so much warmth.’

Ann kept going to church. Sundays became her favourite day of the week, and she started to read the Bible with Shane. ‘Jesus went through so much torture, all for me. I felt like he really wasn’t asking much, so I gave my life to him. Jesus is my life now!’ Now Ann can’t keep quiet about her new life. ‘God’s helping me to get out and speak to people about him. Even if I’m on the bus, I chat about Jesus,’ says Ann. ‘And I pray others will do what I have done and turn to Jesus.’ 

Many more people in London like Ann may never hear the gospel unless organisations like London City Mission help them.



Prison Fellowship International

Prison Fellowship International changes the lives of prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families with the gospel. They aim to reach over 60% of the world's 10 million prisoners on six continents and often see stories of people being transformed with God's help.

Prison Fellowship International has a programme called The Prisoner's Journey. It focuses on evangelism and discipleship. During the eight-week course, prisoners learn about Jesus, his plan for their life and how to follow him. When they become believers, they then often share the good news with fellow inmates.

Support Prison Fellowship International and the restoration of hope and faith in those who need to hear the message of freedom the most.



OCCA (Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics)

OCCA equips Christians with the knowledge and apologetics tools to engage in thoughtful and respectful conversations about the Christian faith. Many of their team are world-renowned apologists and evangelists who are specialists in answering the big questions of faith, life and meaning. They travel and speak at a variety of locations, from community cafes to universities and from local schools to the marketplace.

As well as speaking at events, they also provide a wide range of online resources to help explore the wider world and to train and equip people to share their faith with others. From online courses that cover topics such as critical thinking and the existence of God, to small group sessions that engage with heartfelt questions about the Christian faith, OCCA is committed to helping people wherever they are.

To sample the type of teaching they offer, check out this blog which was written by Professor John Lennox and taken from his book A Good Return: Biblical Principles for Work, Wealth and Wisdom.

You can support OCCA and help many more believers become confident ambassadors for Christ.




Premier is a leading Christian media organisation that uses radio, television and digital platforms to broadcast the message of hope and faith to millions. Their programmes, interviews and music inspire and encourage listeners while providing a platform for encouraging evangelism.

They are currently in the process of building the first-ever Christian Broadcasting House. Their aim is to revitalise Christian faith in the UK and inspire a new generation to go deeper with God, share Jesus with others and change their communities forever.

Support Premier and help them continue to impact lives through their uplifting content.



Christianity Explored 

Christianity Explored aims to help people meet Jesus in the Bible and explore the Christian faith, through thought-provoking video resources and courses.

Their courses are used in a variety of settings: in churches, one-to-one and online, in community groups and in prisons. The series is designed to be as flexible as possible and to allow the Bible to speak for itself.

  • Christianity Explored: Can we know God?

  • Hope Explored: What is real hope?

  • Life Explored: Are you satisfied?

  • Discipleship Explored: Life with Christ

  • Vox (Youth): What's life all about?




Discover more charities sharing the gospel by visiting our dedicated cause cross page.

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Profile image of Matt Holderness
Written by

Matt Holderness

Matt joined Stewardship in 2022 with over twenty years of marketing experience from roles at Kendal College and Capernwray Bible School. He has degrees in Business and Marketing, Theology, Management and most recently a Masters in Hermeneutics. 

Through raising awareness of Stewardship’s services, Matt helps people explore the impact their generosity can have on the church and Christian charities. He’s passionate about supporting Evangelism and Bible causes, and has a particular interest in charities that are helping people in Poverty and Debt in the UK.