In one of the biggest sporting summers, with Euro 2024 and the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, there is a great opportunity to share the gospel this summer as people gather around the excitement of these events.
Christians in Sport exists to reach the world of sport for Christ and have produced a downloadable pack full of content to help churches, sports clubs and individuals make the most of the opportunities that is released on April 17th, 100 days before the Olympic Games. The pack includes:
- Two quizzes focused on football and the summer events
- A creative video talk with evangelist Graham Daniels using the story of Eric Liddell (Chariots of Fire), 100 years since his famous race
- A short animated spoken word sharing the gospel through the Eric Liddell story
- Two Testimony films from a former Olympian and Paralympian
- Olympic church service guide
- School assembly and lesson guide
They have also partnered with 10ofThose to produce a short commemorative book and tract and are supporting Searchlight Theatre and their play - Eric Liddell: Chariot of Fire, as they tour the UK. Churches can invite them to perform with Christians in Sport supporting the performances.
For a small optional donation, you can download the material to use at events such as sports quizzes, family fun days or big-screen events as you seek to
reach people in your local area with the good news of Jesus.
2024 is another huge year for sport and the opportunity to reach sportspeople with the good news of Jesus this year is significant. So it's Game On! Can you help?
Who are Christians in Sport?
Christians in Sport has been using sports ministry as a springboard into evangelism for over forty years. Their experience and expertise enable them to be a mentor for professional athletes and coaches in the UK.
Often people in the sports industry can be a strong voice that encourages others to speak up about their faith in Jesus. Christians in Sport are training, equipping and empowering bold witnesses for Christ, and they are helping these witnesses integrate their faith journey within a sporting career.
It’s ‘Game On’ - and Christians in Sport are asking you to prayerfully consider partnering with them financially to
- run hundreds of events this summer, helping Christian sportspeople share Jesus with their friends
- launch an exciting new project reaching broader groups of sportspeople
- continue our work with sportspeople during the often formative faith years – in youth and university sport – as well as with those competing at the highest levels with the unique pressures they face.
Millions of people across the UK play competitive sport. Some of these are in your church. Some of these will never enter a church. How do you serve those in your church and reach those outside it? Get in touch with Christians in Sport and discover many options to get involved.
Christians in Sport are praying for 200 responses to Jesus in the next 30 days - you can join them in praying for the same thing.
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