Which Christian charities are working on the frontlines in Ukraine?
As we watch the daily news unfold, it is difficult to get our heads around what is happening to a democratic country on our European shores. The full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine has already caused devastating chaos to thousands of people who have lost their homes, their livelihoods and are now fleeing to the western edges and moving across international borders. Stewardship has been working hard to help and support our Christian partners who are working on the ground in Ukraine, many with local churches and field workers who are reaching out to those fleeing war and conflict. In times of huge uncertainty and turmoil, the Church offers Jesus’ love and peace through practical help and a safe place of refuge.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. (Psalm 46:1-2 NIV)
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. (2 Corinthians 4:8-9 NIV)
Here are some of Stewardship’s Christian partners working in Ukraine:
Action International Ministries (UK)
ACTION is an interdenominational Christ-centred missionary sending organisation whose focus is evangelism, discipleship and social development, especially to the urban poor of developing countries with a ministry emphasis on children in need.
Give to ACTION UK Ukraine Relief Fund
Big Love Ukraine
Big Love have projects and connections with both Romania & Moldova which border Ukraine. In Moldova, Phoenix Centre is a day care facility for disabled children and a home for the elderly. They have responded by opening as a centre for refugees. La Via community centre have responded by offering longer term support to displaced children from Ukraine and our friends in Romania are doing regular trips to the Ukrainian border to drop off humanitarian aid, from coats, baby cloths, nappies, water and blankets.
Every penny we make from this appeal will help us supply essentials and resource our friends who are providing support & emergency essentials to those fleeing the Ukraine in what is fast becoming a humanitarian crisis.
Care & Relief for the Young (CRY)
CRY is a Christian children’s charity which believes in a world where all children and young people are able to fulfil their God-given potential. CRY have been supporting projects serving marginalised children and families across Ukraine for the last 25 years. Before the invasion they supported fostering programmes for displaced children.
In the current devastating conflict, the lives of their project partners and the families they support are in danger. CRY are raising funds to aid in the provision of essential supplies and transport to safety. Tens of thousands of civilians have already been forced to flee and leave everything they know out of fear for their lives.
Central Eurasian Partners
A network of Christian holistic social/youth/educational/mission organisations in a few East European countries, led by indigenous people in the locations, coordinated partly from Wroclaw, Poland, and partly by CEPUK, through which support is channelled and needs and news made known.
Give to Central Eurasian Partners
Europe Christian Mission
ECM have created the Ukraine Crisis Fund to serve both the local people and the ECM workers and ministries out in the field. ECM are asking people to pray and to give. Their workers in the country minister to thousands of students, children, orphans, and families through various programmes, in addition to supporting several church plants. Tens of thousands of refugees are expected to arrive in Lviv as they move from the Eastern part of the country, and their team there is preparing to help them.
Give to European Christian Mission International
European Mission Fellowship
EMF have been working with their partners in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Poland who are in a position to provide shelter and support for refugees - either working through their church, or sister evangelical churches.
Give to European Mission Fellowship
Global Action UK
Global Action strives to engage and empower the global church. Their partnership with big providers of aid supplies allows them to bring aid and development to pastors in war-torn Ukraine.
GlobalGiving UK
GlobalGiving are providing essential food, shelter, and clean water for Ukrainians in need, with a focus on the most vulnerable, including children. They've been responding to disasters and supporting emergency aid and long-term relief programs since 2004.
GlobalGiving Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund | Stewardship
Hope Lebedyn
Pastor Sergey Ovcharenko, with the support of Hope Lebedyn, started a small church in an old school building near Sumy in the northeast section of Ukraine. Their mission is to share the gospel and provide real care for those in severe need. Despite an incredibly challenging time, the team continue to shine a light in the darkness. (Read more here from Peter Martin, Founding Director). Donations to their Emergency Appeal will be used to help the immediate needs of refugees and to equip the team to rebuild and expand the work in the community.
Give to Essential Christian Partnership - Hope Lebedyn
Light House Community Foundation
Their vision is to preach the Good News of Jesus to the 180 million people of Central and Eastern Europe. The charity supports a local pastor who serves 3 churches in Ukraine, two in the west and one in the east. He is in touch daily and at the moment food and fuel are scarce and feeding points have been set up. They need donations to support Pastor Edik’s work amongst displaced peoples, and for food, fuel and basic needs.
Give to Light House Community Foundation
Medair UK
Medair UK's Emergency Response Team is in Poland providing urgent humanitarian relief to families who have fled the fighting; providing urgent support to displaced families and the communities that host them.
Mission without Borders
Mission without Borders have launched a Ukraine Conflict Emergency Appeal where they are increasing their work. They are immediately supplying 3,000 emergency food parcels to Eastern Ukraine. Staff member Pastor Oleg has pledged to carrying on working and bringing the message of hope and faith in an almighty and kind God.
Give to Mission Without Borders
Operation Mobilisation (OM)
The OM team is on the ground in Ukraine, prepared to work directly with their local community and those displaced by the current conflict. They will be responding with emergency shelter in homes and church facilities, first aid and basic health care, food parcels, and hygiene supplies.
Give to Operation Mobilisation
Refugee Education UK
Help Refugee Education UK (REUK) support Ukrainian children and young people to access education support in the UK. REUK can provide accurate information, guidance and advice direct to Ukrainian and other refugees so they can get back into education and help them rebuild their lives.
Give to REUKs' Ukrainian Refugees Education Response
Slavic Gospel Association (SGA)
SGA have been planning with local churches to mobilize resources ready to receive refugees and offer Christlike love and care. SGA continues to also support 35 missionary families carrying on Gospel ministry and are all now under some degree of threat. Many are staying put, convinced of the need to witness in the eye of the storm and trusting in our Sovereign God to protect them as they administer the relief effort.
Give to Slavic Gospel Association
TrustbridgeGlobal Foundation
The TrustBridge team is working tirelessly alongside partners and experts to make giving to help Ukraine easy, effective, and impactful. Learn more.
Ukraine Christian Ministries
UCM is supporting local churches throughout Ukraine that are receiving hundreds of displaced people who need places to stay and basic essentials. With the Russian military escalating their attacks, thousands of people are on the move and churches are providing accommodation and basic needs. Donations are needed for food, bedding, medicines and other essentials.
Give to Ukraine Christian Ministries
Ukraine Christian Partnership
Ukraine Christian Partnership (UCP) is a partnership between two UK churches and the Transcarpathia region of Ukraine. Since 2011 they have worked with a group of small villages near both the Romanian and Hungarian borders. With the current conflict, the partnership has never been more relevant.
There is a desperate need now for shelter, food and safety for the Ukrainian people who are fleeing the war. The centres in the villages can accommodate up to 450 refugees at a cost of 7-8 euros per day for food, toiletries, temporary accommodation (including heating and security).
Give to Ukraine Christian Partnership
Find out more
What else can you do to support those in Ukraine? Read our guidance and advice in order to best support humanitarian relief for Ukraine.
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