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Five givers and the charities they are supporting this Christmas

Using the Giving Account to give generously

Matt Holderness Portrait Matt Holderness
4 min

Christmas is a time of joy, generosity and giving. As we celebrate the gift of Christ our natural response is to want to reflect God's love and kindness back to the world. Many of us will choose to do this by supporting charities helping those in need.

If you’re looking for some giving inspiration, we’ve got five short stories about Giving Account holders who are using their account in different ways to give this Christmas, including one that promises a free book to those who create a regular gift (see number 5!).

Clare: I’m giving to a food bank rather than giving a gift to my Grandma

This Christmas I'm supporting a Trussell Trust food bank local to my grandma. She asked me to give to charity instead of buying her a Christmas present. I think food banks do incredible work over the Christmas period to show people love and care. They offer somewhere safe to celebrate with others over a tasty meal. I love food banks and I also love my Stewardship account. It gives me instant access to so many charities, and I am able to give to my Grandma’s local food bank in just a few clicks.

Matt: I’m giving an extra one-off gift to my local debt centre

Christmas can be really hard when you’ve already got money worries. Trying to figure out how to buy gifts when juggling credit cards and loan repayments is something that nobody needs. I regularly support my local debt centre with a monthly gift because they do such amazing work. But this year I’m giving them a Christmas boost with an extra one-off gift. The beauty of using a Stewardship Giving Account is that I can build up a balance during the year and then give a bumper gift at Christmas without it hitting my wallet at a time of year when I need my money for presents.


Ruth: I’m giving to three different charities this Christmas

This Christmas I will be donating to three charities that are doing excellent things. I love that my Stewardship account lets me give flexibly to lots of different causes all from one place. It means I don’t have to go through lots of separate donation processes and share my details over and over. The charities I’m supporting this year are:

  1. Five Talents. I have seen the difference savings and loans groups make throughout the year lifting up women and helping them lift their families out of poverty through the local church. The power of micro-finance is anything but micro!
  2. World Vision. Taking part in the Chosen program at World Vision, I have been truly blessed by Emmanuel and Flavia, who chose me to be their sponsor throughout this year. The work World Vision is doing is transforming their community, so I intend to bless their work with a donation this Christmas.
  3. The Message. They are truly amazing and God has put them on my heart this Christmas. They do so much to bless communities across the country and see people giving their lives to Jesus every week through putting their faith into action. I cannot think of a more worthy cause to send all the remaining funds in my Stewardship account to this Christmas.


Tony: I’m giving my annual Christmas gift to Operation Christmas Child

I love the work of Samaritan’s Purse, especially their annual Operation Christmas Child campaign. I want to support them without getting involved directly in making up a shoebox, so I tend to give to them through my Stewardship Giving Account. When making a one-off gift I can specify for it to go directly to the project fund of my choice, so that way I know it’s going to be directly used for this particular purpose.


Pod: I’m giving to Speak Life to help Christians share their faith

Speak Life produce digital resources and short-form social media videos that help Christians share the gospel with their friends.

The Speak Life YouTube channel has accrued millions of views and over 30,000 subscribers. I already support this work with regular gifts from my Giving Account but this Christmas I have made a small one-off gift too.

They currently aim to recruit 100 new regular supporters, and if you can be part of the 100, your donation will be doubled via some matched funding they have secured. Become a regular supporter this Christmas and you will also receive a free copy of Glen Scrivener’s Christmas evangelism book The Gift.


This Christmas open a Stewardship Giving Account

You can support the charities listed above as well as over 13,000 more with a Stewardship Giving Account. It offers a simple and secure platform for managing your charitable giving, ensuring that your donations make a lasting impact.

Open a Giving Account today and join the movement of believers who are making a difference in the world. Together, we can spread the message of hope and faith to a world in need.

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Monthly emails for supporters. Inspiration, practical tools and guidance to support the causes you love in more meaningful ways. 

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Written by

Matt Holderness

Matt joined Stewardship in 2022 with over twenty years of marketing experience from roles at Kendal College and Capernwray Bible School. He has degrees in Business and Marketing, Theology, Management and most recently a Masters in Hermeneutics. 

Through raising awareness of Stewardship’s services, Matt helps people explore the impact their generosity can have on the church and Christian charities. He’s passionate about supporting Evangelism and Bible causes, and has a particular interest in charities that are helping people in Poverty and Debt in the UK.