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cost of living grants

47k granted to charity partners from the Cost of Living Response Fund


Matt Holderness Portrait Matt Holderness
3 min

Over £86k raised so far 

We have been amazed by the generosity shown by our incredible community of supporters. Despite the challenging circumstances many of us find ourselves in, the Stewardship Cost of Living Response Fund currently stands at over £86k! 

These kind and generous gifts are now being distributed to our charity partners who are working on the frontline. Each one is diligently serving their local community by relieving the immediate need for food and warmth, while sharing the hope of the gospel. 

£47k granted to our charity partners

We invited our partner churches and charities to apply for a Cost of Living Response Fund grant and we’re delighted to report the first wave of grants, £47k in total, have now been given to the following charity partners:

  • East Belfast Mission is providing emergency energy top-ups, food parcels and a weekly community dinner for 100 families. 
  • Edge Ministries are providing warm spaces, food and gospel hope to their communities in Staveley and Tupton, with a third centre opening soon
  • Life Church Ministries Bradford, while recovering from an attack on their building, are busy distributing thousands of toys throughout their community in the lead up to Christmas and are prepping to distribute emergency fuel cards to families throughout the winter months.
  • The C3 Church is distributing food, blankets, and hot water bottles to families in financial crisis and scaling up their Community Markets in Cambridge, Bury St Edmunds and Colchester.

Becky Campbell, from the C3 Church commented, "The funds provided will allow us to not just continue but increase our support for families and individuals throughout this cost-of-living crisis within Colchester and Cambridge. The impact this fund will have, will directly ensure that families not only have food, but fresh food, household essentials and access to support and advice. Thank you, Stewardship, and to all those who have supported to make a difference in so many lives this winter."

community market

You can donate to Stewardship’s Cost of Living Response Fund to support charity partners like those above with a regular or one-off gift. 

Stewardship’s response to the rising cost of living

Find out more about our overall response to the cost of living crisis by visiting our Rapid Response page where you can: 

  • Support Warm Welcome: We've partnered with a coalition of charities who've registered as a Warm Welcome space to open their doors to those struggling to heat their homes. 
  • Support the Stewardship Cost of Living Response Fund: We will move your support to where the need is greatest, safely, securely and quickly. It is a collective pot allowing us to join forces and give what we can to help those most in need.
  • Support Stewardship charity partners: You can choose to donate to a range of Stewardship-registered charities seeking to respond directly to the crisis. 

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be bringing you impact stories on the vital work that these charities are doing. You can also stay informed by following us on social media or sign up to Generous, our newsletter, to receive all the latest updates. 


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Profile image of Matt Holderness
Written by

Matt Holderness

Matt joined Stewardship in 2022 with over twenty years of marketing experience from roles at Kendal College and Capernwray Bible School. He has degrees in Business and Marketing, Theology, Management and most recently a Masters in Hermeneutics. 

Through raising awareness of Stewardship’s services, Matt helps people explore the impact their generosity can have on the church and Christian charities. He’s passionate about supporting Evangelism and Bible causes, and has a particular interest in charities that are helping people in Poverty and Debt in the UK.