Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things, at all times, having all you need you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (NIV)
Even though it seems that we’ve only just turned the corner into 2022, actually, the tax year is ending fairly soon. Now is a great time to be considering what you might be deciding in your heart to give and how you might do it. These annual deadlines can be great in focusing our mind and attention to the way we worship through our financial giving, but it can seem like that time sneaks up on us.
Sometimes it seems that the yearly calendar and rhythm of what our personal finances looks like isn’t in keeping with the approach we’d like to take with our giving.
For example, you might have recently received a lump sum (like a bonus or inheritance) and you know you want to be generous with it, but you haven’t got time to do so carefully and prayerfully before 5 April.
Or perhaps, your income is lumpy because of a bonus-driven, commission-based or freelance role and you want to smooth out your variable income into committed monthly giving to strengthen and grow your favourite causes?
Or maybe, it doesn’t look like any of those scenarios, but you’d like some help with managing and understanding wise ways of giving and helping to advance the Kingdom through your financial resources.
We are blessed to work with some of the most generous people on the planet. It’s never been about the amount, but the heart behind the amount.
Whatever your story, we’d love to help you sort through the challenges of out-of-the box giving. Our team is dedicated to making sure that both the giver and recipient are presented with options that can help to bring the freedom and joy which we are promised time and time again in Scripture.
The Stewardship Philanthropy Services team are passionate about creating the space for our clients to partner with the Lord in the resources He’s trusted them with. Our heart and prayer is that in all things, at all times and in having everything you need, you (and the ministries supported) will abound in every good work. If we can be a small part of the story then that would be our joy.
If you’d like to talk to someone about year-end giving you can do so here.
Quarterly email for philanthropists. News, inspiration and guidance to support you on your giving journey.