Whether we like it or not, festivities around 31 October are here to stay. From themed TV programmes to Trick or Treat outings with fancy dress outfits. We recognise that this can be a really awkward time for Christian parents and youth workers. It feels like there are pressing decisions to be made about how to get involved or not, and how to handle the kids inevitable questions. So we've put this blog together to offer some inspiration towards offering a Christian Alternative Halloween.
We've gathered a selection of accessible and imaginative resources that some of our partner organisations have created to provide Christian Alternative Halloween ideas for events and festivities. There are videos to watch here and now, and links to partner websites with things to download and items to order.
Christian Alternative Halloween Resources
Scripture Union
Scripture Union are treating Halloween as an evangelistic opportunity and a chance to engage the 95% of children and young people who are not in church. Their resources are aimed at providing some different options for you to reach out to your local community and share Jesus. These include a pack for creating a Light Party for primary aged children, a resource pack with KS2 teaching activities and a book which focusses on Jesus' identity as the 'Light of the World'. They also have a helpful FAQ section about Halloween which will help you answer those awkward questions.
Scripture Union believe that every child should have the chance to discover Jesus, Light of the World. But they know that for many this is a time where darkness is the focus. They're committed to working harder than ever to take the good news of Jesus beyond the church in exciting and culturally relevant ways and your generous support will help them continue in their mission to create opportunities for children and young people to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith.
World Vision
World Vision UK’s Patch the Pumpkin hero returns again this October. This year’s edition features a brand-new message on ENOUGH, the charity’s global campaign around child hunger and how there is enough to share. In the story hero Patch meets Melvin the Bitter Melon, showing him how small, everyday acts of kindness and generosity can make a big difference in the world.
The pack itself includes a story, cartoon, games, crafts, activities, and even a song, all of which teach families, schools, and churches important values.
You can help World Vision continue to produce resources like this by giving a one-off gift or committing to a regular monthly donation.
Speak Life
This evangelism charity produce hundreds of innovative and accessible video resources. The team created an evangelistic video for Halloween a couple of years ago, but have now backed the film up with several podcasts answering those tricky questions about what Christians should make of Halloween. Evangelist Glen Scrivener says: ‘I’m not trying to convert Christians to ‘trick or treating’. I am trying to engage trick-or-treaters (and their Facebooking parents) with the gospel.’
Faith in Kids
Faith in Kids supports churches and parents so that primary aged children can engage with Jesus Christ and respond to him. They do this by creating Bible based materials, running training programmes and family activity weekends to help parents open up the Bible. For Halloween they've put together a great resource page with some great ideas and tract options for all ages.
In their typically accessible way they help parents work through some of the trickier aspects of Halloween such as knowing how to respond to when our kids get invited to parties and people knock on our door. What should we do about it as Jesus’s followers? And of course they help parents answer the perennial question "why can't we be like everyone else?".
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