I’ve attended a lot of Christian events, big and small. Church weekends away, youth camps, retreats, and larger ones like Greenbelt, New Wine, Spring Harvest, Word Alive, Keswick, Focus, Big Church Festival. People tend to have really positive experiences and they continue to attend in their thousands.
I don’t think we doubt the value that these big events provide. There are gatherings and events all the way through the Bible. Three times a year, the Jewish people travelled to Jerusalem from around the country for the festivals. We know there is power in uniting with others and giving to God - setting aside focused time to worship him, to learn more from him and about him, to wait on him. We give to him and inevitably gain so much in the process.
How much are we prepared to pay for this opportunity?
You would think that events could cover costs by ticketing, but in the current financial climate it simply can’t be done at an accessible price. Events are kept in action by charitable giving and fundraising. Can we say this is worthwhile spending? Of course I would say a resounding, ‘Yes and Amen!’ We gather from far-flung places and are changed to be change-makers.
Big events often make a big impact
After Spring Harvest in 2023, we received an email from a parent. ‘My 8-year-old daughter has had an awesome week. She gave her life to Jesus. We go to church as a family, so I asked her what was different. She said “Before, I knew about God, but this week I met him.” She woke up on the morning after making a commitment to follow Jesus, and immediately was reading her Bible, instead of playing on her tablet.’
Earlier this year, one of our team met a man who told the story of hearing God call him to be a missionary when he was a child at Spring Harvest. He wrote a letter to his mum with the details. She still had that letter years later when he told her he was going to work with Mission Aviation Fellowship. He is still serving remote communities around the world to this day.
Big events need big, and small, gestures of generosity
It is the mountain-top moments with God, these out-of-the-ordinary experiences, that can sustain our faith in the more mundane months and years ahead of us. It is when we step out of the ordinary, committing time and money to connecting with God in a new way, that he has a chance to shape us for ministry and mission. And what kind of price can we put on that?
Many plan and save carefully in order to experience these events and I believe God honours that devotion. Many give generously to support others to be able to access these events and I’m sure God blesses that, too. Many of these events only continue because God is calling philanthropists to worship in their way and God must surely delight in their offering.
If we believe maintaining this kind of big event for our children is important, these methods and more will be required, alongside great care and great prayer. We cannot let it become an opportunity only for the wealthy. God honours the small gifts as much as the big gifts when they are given from a heart of generosity. As God’s people together, we will have to continue finding ways of making these gatherings accessible for all, just like the one in Nehemiah Chapter 8…
As all ages squeeze into a square at the Jerusalem wall, Ezra reads the Scriptures. The people are helped to understand and they respond in praise and worship, leading to tears. Nehemiah declares that this is a holy moment - a time to celebrate, to share food and make sure no one is excluded, to share the good news and to find their strength in the joy of the Lord. So, they begin an almighty knees-up intermingled with mission and evangelism as they connect with God and each other. It’s one of my favourite Bible passages, showing the power of a large group encounter with God - a worthwhile big event. Long may they continue because we need then now more than ever.
Who are Spring Harvest?
Spring Harvest loves making spaces where all ages can encounter Jesus and be equipped for life with him. It is a cross-denominational event, gathering many to grow in faith and go into God’s world empowered for the spiritual adventure he calls us to live.
You can help Spring Harvest by financially supporting them in their mission and provision of big events.
Find out more about Spring Harvest’s event at Easter and discover free year-round resources.
Please pray for the work of Spring Harvest especially their upcoming Easter event.
This post was written by Abby Guinness who heads up the Spring Harvest event with a small team as part of the Essential Christian Charity. Navigating a global pandemic with digital innovation was unexpected. Maybe her background in theatre helped in creating improvisational solutions. She is also an author and continues to enjoy creative pursuits.
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