Essential Christian - Spring Harvest

Gather. Grow. Go.

Registered Charity 1126997

Essential Christian - Spring Harvest Give
Prayer &

We are passionate about making space for all ages to encounter Jesus and be equipped for life with him. 

We are best known for our annual event during the Easter holidays. It is a place where many, particularly children and young people, take small steps and huge leaps in their faith, becoming builders of God's Kingdom on Earth.

We provide more than 600 people each year with financial support to attend the event through the Everyone In Fund. We also provide practical support such as BSL, braille, speech-to-text and team members to support those with additional needs.

We are proud to innovate digitally and stream content into homes around the world and prisons across the UK. With each of these initiatives, we try to remove barriers to people

All one-off gifts given between 1 April and 30 June (our Event Offering) are tithed. This is granted as seed-funding to support church projects that bless and serve local communities.

Since 2022, more than 20 community projects based in local churches have been helped to launch. These include initiatives to combat isolation, to support children and young people with additional needs, to meet practical needs in areas of deprivation and much more.