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Acts 435: Sharing gifts (and Jesus) with anyone in need

Making an impact in people’s lives

Matt Holderness Portrait Matt Holderness
3 min

Acts 435 is an online giving charity that connects those who want to give with people who are in urgent and immediate need.

Working through a network of local churches and charities, Acts 435 invite donors to choose which specific needs they want to help with. This can range from the purchase of white goods, for families who can’t afford to replace major appliances, to covering travel costs so someone can get to work.

Givers can also choose the geographical areas they wish to support so donors can see the impact they are making in their local area. Whilst many of these needs may seem small they can make a big difference to someone in poverty or in crisis.


A simple act to provide hot meals

Carl* has been attending Lewisham Foodbank and has recently moved into permanent rented accommodation after a period of rough sleeping.

The studio flat he was given was only part furnished and he had no access to cooking facilities. Carl is unable to work due to long-term mental health difficulties so his only source of income is Universal Credit. There is very little money available after bills.

Acts 435 donors stepped in with a £150 gift so he could buy a microwave oven and necessary utensils for cooking and eating, enabling him to make hot meals. Carl describes his situation:

I've been able to make a hot meal with the microwave, which has made a big difference to not only my diet, but also my mindset. Having a cold sandwich or cereal every day becomes quite disheartening. It may not seem that big of a deal, but when you smell hot food and have no means to make any it really becomes quite difficult mentally.

The vouchers have really helped too. Simple items like a cheese grater, some sharp knives, tea towels, kettle, etc, have spurred me on. My confidence and self-esteem was at an all-time low and this affected everything. I am extremely grateful to all the donors for making this possible.

Acts 435 is able to provide the practical help for those who are being supported by their local partners, and together we're able to provide hope, and positively change people’s outlook by demonstrating God’s love in action.


Who is Acts 435?

Acts 435 was established in 2009 to live out the latter half of Acts 4:35 which describes how people brought gifts to Christian leaders who then distributed them to anyone in need. In recent years it has grown significantly in its ability to reach such people. During the pandemic, and subsequently the cost-of-living crisis, Acts 435 partners and donors have stepped up to help them reach over 45,000 individuals with one-off help. Some of their partners distribute over £10,000 each year for the specific needs of those in their local community, helping to provide practical support for those who need it most.


You can help Acts 435 reach more people like Carl, either through their website or by giving to their general funds through Stewardship.



As a charity Acts 435 are completely reliant on the donations of individuals, which are given directly to the needs of individuals. Please pray for their current donors, but also that new donors will hear about the work.

Acts 435 have over 600 partner churches and charities, but they would like to see more organisations partner with us so that they can meet the needs of more people in the UK, so please pray for more to hear about us.

Finally, please do pray for God's provision for the balance of partners posting requests for help onto the website, and their donors faithfully going online to give towards the needs.

*not his real name

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Written by

Matt Holderness

Matt joined Stewardship in 2022 with over twenty years of marketing experience from roles at Kendal College and Capernwray Bible School. He has degrees in Business and Marketing, Theology, Management and most recently a Masters in Hermeneutics. 

Through raising awareness of Stewardship’s services, Matt helps people explore the impact their generosity can have on the church and Christian charities. He’s passionate about supporting Evangelism and Bible causes, and has a particular interest in charities that are helping people in Poverty and Debt in the UK.