We help you give and we strengthen the causes you give to

Generosity is our cause

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Philanthropy Services Fees

What do we do with your fees?

Just like the churches and charities we support, Stewardship is a not-for-profit too. 

So when the administrative costs of services are covered, any surplus is reinvested into supporting charitable activities such as training, events and resources.


Stewardship is a not-for-profit organisation and our costs are always kept as low as possible. We reinvest any extra income into supporting charitable causes such as church planting and training Christian workers. It’s a joy to partner with you in this Kingdom work.


  • No account opening fee

  • Strengthens Christian causes

  • Optional bespoke services available

Additional fees may apply where Stewardship incurs higher costs and fees than standard. This may include, but is not limited to:


  • Bespoke philanthropy services
  • Higher levels of due diligence in respect of complex outgoing donation requests

Donor Advised Fund fees


Payments in

Gift amount in calendar year Rate
Up to £50,000 3%
£50,001-£250,000 2%
£250,001 and above 1%

There is no annual fee cap for a Donor Advised Fund account


Stewardship Investment Portfolios

Stewardship investment Portfolio Rate
Stewardship Equity Portfolio 0.20%
Stewardship Balanced Portfolio 0.20%
Stewardship Sustainable Investment Portfolio 0.20%
Minimum amount for initial allocation to Portfolios £10,000
Subsequent addition/withdrawal minimum £5,000
Annual minimum fee No annual minimum


Grants out

International fees

If you would like to request a donation overseas, an additional deduction will apply. For further information, please refer to the International Fees Table below.

Philanthropy Fund fees


Fees on total assets held (including cash balances and investments)

Total assets held Rate
Up to £2.5m 0.6%
£2.5m and above 0.3%
Annual minimum fee £6,000


Investment options

Investment Options and Nominated Investment Funds (NIOs) are included in the above and will be classed as part of the total assets held. Please note, for NIOs, there is a one-off set up fee (typically between £3,000-£6,000 depending on complexity).


Grants out

International fees

If you would like to request a donation overseas, an additional deduction will apply. For further information, please refer to the International Fees Table below.

International fees

If you would like to request a donation overseas, an additional deduction of 1% will apply. This fee is applied at the point of payment to the partner.

If an overseas charity is not yet registered with Stewardship, the following one-off set-up fee will also be deducted. We’ll validate the charity to ensure that they are eligible to receive funds.

Where is the charity registered?* Set-up fee
Category A (country score 60+): USA, Australia, Belgium, Norway £90
Category B (country score 30-59): Argentina, Bulgaria, India, South Africa £120
Category C (country score 0-30): Iraq, North Korea, Venezuela, Zimbabwe £180

*Categories are based on country scores allocated by the Corruption Perceptions Index

Start your journey with us

For some, it's a desire to bring about change to our local and global communities. For others, it's a response to God's generosity. Whatever your goal, our first step together is to arrange an initial consultation or visit to discuss your philanthropic needs.

Schedule a call
