& Outreach
Claire Louise is a missionary evangelist from England who is called to the most unreached and darkest places on the earth. Claire Louise is called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is also committed to raising up Christian leaders and missionaries who have an intimate loving relationship with the Lord, and who live with tenacious faith and steadfastness to take the Gospel wherever He sends them!
Claire Louise has been preaching the Gospel for over a decade and has been a missionary for the last five years mostly to Indigenous Australians, Africa and the USA. She has personally led thousands to Jesus through preaching the Gospel both one-on-one and through crusade evangelism. She has helped to organise mass gospel campaigns where through combined efforts has seen hundreds of thousands say 'yes' to Jesus! She has also trained and equipped hundreds of missionaries and evangelists mostly in Tanzania and Australia.
Vision (Based on Matthew 28:19-20)
To fulfil the Great Commission by reaching the unreached with the Gospel, sending missionaries into all the world, focusing on the 10/40 Window to see entire nations transformed by the love and power of Jesus Christ.
Mission (Two Focuses)
To bring redemption to individuals and nations, especially those most oppressed or living in persecuted regions, through prayer, the preaching of the Gospel, and the demonstration of Gods love, accompanied by signs and wonders.
To raise up Christian leaders and missionaries through teaching, prophecy, and impartation, empowering them to walk intimately with Jesus and to be sent into all the world, compelled by His love and walking in faith and obedience to fulfil the Great Commission.
Target Regions
The 10/40 Window - Africa, Asia and the Middle East with a calling to equip the church in the UK, Australia and the USA.
Claire Louise is currently situated in the USA and is taking short-term mission trips to Australia, South Asia and the UK.