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Evangelism, Brighton - Ashley Soogan

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Hi there! I’m thrilled to be volunteering with a charity called UCCF doing Relay in Brighton this year!

Relay is a mission and discipleship training focused on developing Christ like character through an understanding of God’s grace, serving alongside the Christian Unions (CUs), and receiving training that will help me in my Christian walk. Christian Unions are missional communities, bringing students together to live for Jesus at the centre of campus life. They are supported by Staff Workers and Relay Workers.

Throughout university I’ve noticed how for students, this is a key time of exploring faith and making huge life decision. I am incredibly excited to work with Brighton and Sussex CUs, getting to know the students and helping them in growing their love for Jesus.

As I begin this journey, I would love for you to support me prayerfully and/or financially. Your support would be such a blessing as it would help me in my ministry for the next year. 

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