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Evangelism, Leeds - Paul Kusuma

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Embarking on this journey as a relay worker with UCCF, my mission intertwines deeply with the vibrant student community at the University of Leeds and its Christian Union. At its core, our shared purpose is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to continually grow in the knowledge of Him. This role is not just a position for me; it’s a heartfelt commitment to connect, nurture, and learn alongside every student I encounter. Each interaction is a chance to both impart the profound message of Christ and to glean fresh insights from their unique spiritual journeys. As I work to inspire, I’m consistently humbled and enlightened by their perspectives. Alongside this, UCCF provides the invaluable opportunity to pursue theological studies, further sharpening my understanding and ability to guide. To all who support and join me in this mission: your backing is invaluable. Together, we'll foster an environment where faith thrives and the gospel resonates powerfully across Leeds.

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