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Evangelism & Training Development, Newport - Trudy Makepeace

Partner profile

I am a missionary evangelist with a mandate to preach the Gospel reaching people with the Good News of Jesus Christ locally and globally.    In the UK  this involves bringing the good news of Jesus into  the prisons, churches and the wider community. Training and equipping evangelists and assisting the local church to reach out into thier communities and hold evangelistic events.  Internationally this involves bringing the gospel to unreached people, youth crusades, crusades and training and equipping local leaders in these areas. As you know, when God lays a mandate on your heart it takes provison for the vision to be fulfilled and come to pass.  I am soley depenedent upon the generous support of others to enable me to live and fulfil this call. Thank you for giving to enable me to fulfil this call.  May God richly bless you.    Much Love Trudy

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