Betel CZ z.s.

Life-changing help to lives broken by addiction

Betel CZ z.s. Give
Health &
& Creation Care
Mental Health
& Wellbeing

Addiction is a devastating problem in our society, destroying lives, families, and communities.

At BÉTEL CZ, we are on the frontlines of this battle, bringing restoration and hope to men, women, and families broken by drug and alcohol addiction. As an independent Christian charity in the Czech Republic, we help people escape addiction through two therapeutic communities, offering long-term accommodation and support—completely free.

What makes our approach unique, is our commitment to restore both lives and the environment. In our social enterprises, those in recovery work to save and restore old furniture. This provides practical skills and a sense of purpose to those in recovery and helps to lower the amount of waste in landfills.

Your donations are critical to this mission. They help us cover essential costs, including accommodation, food, clothing, dental care, workshop equipment, and staff salaries—resources that are vital for both the well-being and growth of our community members. Without your support, it would not be possible to provide the safe, structured, and supportive environment necessary for lasting recovery.

By supporting BÉTEL CZ, you are not only helping to heal the broken lives of those battling addiction but also contributing to a more sustainable future for all of us.

Thank you for your generosity and partnership in this vital work.

Warm regards,
Petr and Veronika Tichy, and the entire BÉTEL CZ team