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Mobilising & Sending, UK - Steve & Suzie Banner


Partner profile

We have been members of WEC International since 2013.  We served for 6 years in Spain with Betel.org supporting those who were marginalised. 

In 2017 we were called back to the UK to serve in London.  After 4 years of being there, we are now in the South East.

We have a passion for mobilising the UK church for cross-cultural mission and seek to resource His people to do likewise.

We desire to share with Churches WEC's vision to see Jesus known, loved and worshipped by the unreached peoples of the world.

We seek to encourage and facilitate the evangelical churches to send new workers overseas and around the UK.

We are devoted to our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ and willingly serve Him to see His will being done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

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