Edinburgh: Newington Trinity Church of Scotland

Registered Charity SC000785

& Friendship
& Human Rights

In a world of religious and atheistic fundamentalists and in a society paradoxically multi-faith and secular, Newington Trinity Churchcelebrates what it means to be human: a rich blend of intuition and reason, knowing and unknowing, affirming and seeking, succeeding and failing, brokenness and wholeness. In our services of public worship we wrestle intellectually with the basic questions of life: why are we here? who and what are we? where do we find meaning in life?

In addition to our regular worship we provide pastoral care for our members and support Christian organisations elsewhere in Scotland and overseas. We act as a hub for our local community, providing a club for older residents and accommodation for several youth groups and a wide variety of other local activities. To sustain this work we depend on offerings from our members, contributions from users and support from others who share our ambitions.