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Evangelism, UK - Daniella & Elieudo Lima Dos Santos

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We are missionaries who have a heart for Brazil, UK and Europe. 

We have been sent by a mission base in Brazil to plant a pioneer work in Europe. 

God showed Eli a picture of a cold heart and told him to go to England to wake up the cold English hearts for revival. We have a ministry Iris Glastonbury- we reach out to people in the new age and travellers. We also train weekly missionaries and people who have a heart to be doing mission. We have send a number of people to mission school and have done online mission schools. We have also sent a number of missionaries and support them. 

Living in the UK as missionaries is quite a financial challenge because bills are so expensive here. We thank you so much for your support and love. 

We are creating spaces for missionaries to come and rest here, get refreshed and then sent out with fresh fire on their lives. 

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