Heatree Activity Centre

Children and young people encountering God through adventure

Registered Charity 1087001

& Outreach

For over 30 years Heathercombe Brake Trust has been operating Heatree Activity Centre in Dartmoor National Park in Devon. The Charity is dedicated to providing opportunities and experiences for children and young people to explore and learn more about the Christian faith through the natural world.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic and the damaging impact this has had on the outdoor industry, our aim going forward is to follow God's guidance in how He wants to use Heatree in this next stage. Despite the challenges of the last two years our small team remains passionate in continuing our work with young people with a Christ-centred approach, sharing the Gospel in inspiring ways, using the natural envrionment that surrounds us as our canvas.

We are always incredibly grateful to receive donations; these funds help in a big way in not only providing opportunities for young people to visit Heatree, but also to help improve our facilities and the services we can offer.

Thank you for your support.