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Vineyard Community Centre

Registered Charity Number: 1143951

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Our morning drop-in is a place of refuge, and a connection to a supportive community. We run crisis and social inclusion services from our building in Richmond, and six other locations in the borough. Through our network of local charities and services including SPEAR and Glassdoor, we offer support at the point of crisis and during recovery and help our guests struggling with homelessness, addiction, loneliness and mental health. Our drop-in centre operates weekday mornings from 9am – 11am where guests have access to breakfast, hygiene facilitates, health professionals, housing advice and case workers.

Part of the national Trussell Trust foodbanks, we also manage and coordinate the Richmond Upon Thames Food Bank, with five satellite operations across the borough. During the coronavirus pandemic we have also been operating a delivery service to the borough from our Hampton depot.

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