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Community Development & Evangelism, Uganda - Rachel and Eric Mande

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We have been serving in Uganda for 15 years under Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in the area of outreach and evangelism. We started a community based project called 'Restore Ministries Busede' in 2019. In this area there is a tremendous amount of poverty, witchcraft and ancestor worship. A lot of teaching on the truth and power of the Gospel needs to be shared through practical steps so that people can be freed from the oppression this darkness brings and walk in the light of Christ.

We live by faith as we serve, as a family, in these rural Busede villages in Uganda. We do this by providing better sanitation, latrines, development, teaching and evangelism. We are rebuilding our community centre as the roof was destroyed by a storm. When the building is complete we will house our library and run community groups there. We invite you to be part of this adventure with us. By supporting our work you will be helping to change lives and spread the love of Jesus. 

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