Gloucester City Mission

Registered Charity 1115780

UK Poverty &
& Outreach

Gloucester City Mission has been supporting people who are homless, marginalised or in recovery since 2003 through aid, transformation and growth.
Street teams going into the city centre 5 days week offering food, drinks and prayer; Refresh – our weekly hot lunch service and time for fellowship at St Mary's Congregational Church;
Restore- a clothes bank in Renew for clients to come to get fresh clothes, toiletries and emergency provisions,

Retreat – a safe place during the day time for people who are street homeless; Mobile outreach teams support rough sleepers away from the city centre;

TRANSFORMING lives and enable people to GROW both practically and spiritually through;

Renew - our main offices, drop in centre, Training Centre.

Revive Coffee House training and employing people with lived experience;

Refuel – our monthly worship session for anyone to come and spend their lunch in prayer and praise;

Having staff and volunteers with lived experience who want to give something back.