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Derby Urban Church

Registered Charity Number: 1187018


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Derby Urban Church is a new multi-congregational Baptist church started in 2020 with its origins in Osmaston Road Baptist Church in central Derby.  Look below to support new things. We have 3 congregations:  Ozzy Road, City Youth Church & Friends United in Jesus, plus 6 ministries: homelessness, schools, social enterprise, Slovakian Roma ministry, School of the Holy Spirit (Roma Bible college) and heart 4 India.  We've only just started out and are following God's lead aiming to grow more by finding new ways of doing and being church.  We love the mix of longstanding and new congregations reflecting the multi-cultural diversity of our community.  We are passionate about our city and especially those who are living in the margins including homeless people, vulnerably housed and kids in inner-city schools. Thank you so much for supporting us – we always run on a tight budget and rely on generosity of money and time to enable everything to happen.  See derbyurbanchurch.com for more info. 

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