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Opportunity International UK

Registered Charity Number: 1107713


Partner profile

Opportunity International is working to end global poverty by providing a hand up, not a handout, enabling individuals to create dignified and sustainable work, the foundation for transforming families and communities futures.

The clients we work with have ambitious dreams for their futures, but lack the opportunities needed to make them a reality. Today, Opportunity International serves more than 18 million hardworking families in 30 countries around the world.


Our vision is a world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve a life free from poverty, with dignity and purpose.


By providing financial solutions and training, we empower people living in poverty to transform their lives, their children’s futures and their communities.


We respond to Jesus Christ’s call to love and serve the poor. We seek to emulate the Good Samaritan, whose compassion crossed ethnic groups and religions. We serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

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