& Development
& Outreach
Who we are
Since EIUK was first established in 1978, we have been involved with development projects worldwide. We are a Christian charity who builds relationships with local churches in the areas we work in. Volunteers work on a project basis. Our projects build the self-reliance and dignity of those involved. They meet basic needs and use simple technology that’s easy to replicate.
We are part of an international organisation with national affiliates and project countries all over the world. We have offices in Brazil, Canada (where our Head Office is also situated), Haiti, Malawi, Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and United States of America.
How we work
Emmanuel International works in Developing Countries world-wide through practical, caring action and culturally sensitive mission – to meet the needs of people practically, spiritually and emotionally. We go to some of the most needy areas of the world to serve people less fortunate than ourselves. EI has a proven record of commitment, care and compassion in meeting the needs of hundreds of thousands of people regardless of their race, gender, colour or religion.
Our work is:
• Self-Reliant: Our projects build the self-reliance and dignity of those involved
• Practical: Simple projects that meet basic needs and use simple technology, easy to replicate
• Holistic: We attend to the needs of the whole person: spiritual, emotional, social and physical
• Impartial: Seeking to meet the needs of the disadvantaged regardless of their race, gender, age or religion
• Relational: Working alongside the Christian church in countries that are in need to bring good news to the poor
If you wish to learn more about our work, please subscribe to our newsletters - visit our website, click 'newsletters' in the footer and select the mailing list link on any of our newsletters.
Some of our projects include…
- Girls Health: Our girl’s health projects are designed to teach girls about their menstrual health, providing them with the knowledge and equipment to deal with it. We also tell them how important they are – in God’s eyes but also in the role they will play as women.

- Safe House Ministry: Foster parent-led homes in the informal settlements of South Africa is a practical and sustainable way to provide a family for children who do not have that hope. The Safe Houses are partnered with local churches to improve the spiritual support of the mums and children.

- Whole Village Health: The ‘IMARIKA’ project has been designed to address some of the key issues of poverty through economic and environmental empowerment by mobilizing churches for community development. The project will work closely with churches to identify needs and resources in the community. Community action groups are formed through the process to engage each community through a variety of interventions, including conservation agriculture, afforestation, poultry, beekeeping, and fuel efficient stoves. ‘IMARIKA’ is a Swahili word meaning ‘to be strengthened’ and is also an acronym for ‘imarisha mazingira, riziki, na kanisa’ – meaning to ‘strengthen environments, livelihoods and the church’.