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Isaiah 61 Movement: Urgent Appeal!

Closing date: 30 November 2024



Raised out of £50000 target


Including Gift Aid: £ 7000

Raised offline: £ 7000



Do you see yourself as playing a part in changing the 'Jesus sharing' culture of Churches and Christians? If so, we URGENTLY NEED your help to raise £50,000 in mission critical funds to help see i61m through to the end of 2024. 

The UK Church is facing an existential crisis. Most Christians simply arent sharing their faith in any meaningful way. It's the massive elephant in every church room. If we don't arrest this, our churches will slowly die. I61m uses a unique combination of technology and group accountability to help Christians put action to intention, through a journey of "sharing life, faith & Jesus". 

The potential over the next 5 years is stunning, tens of thousands of Christians equipped & thousands finding faith through friendship. This appeal will help us engage 50 church partners, & support 10,000 Christians in 2024. By becoming a one off, or regular (via your Stewardship account), you will be able to say in the years to come, "I was there at the very beginning"! Thank you!

Raising funds for