Tim, Becky and Freddie's trip to Uganda
Closing date: 31 December 2023
Over the last year Becky as part of the Dignity team has been forging relationships in Uganda. Dignity helps people in rural areas start Life Groups, communities that reach people with the love of Jesus and fight disadvantage.
To see the work grow, Dignity is sending a team for 3 weeks. Becky, Tim&Freddie will visit the groups, encourage them and seek new connections for Dignity. Our hope is to build friendships and see God empower people to take action in their community.
Dignity’s intention is that this work is covered by fundraising. Our faith goal is to raise the entire cost of £7000, including:
Flights, accommodation & travel:£6000
Subsidised travel for those attending trainings:£500
Training events:£250
Thank you for your support. We look forward to updating you after the trip!
All funds raised will go towards the cost of the trip. If we exceed our target, funds will go towards our general funds. If we do not meet the target, general funds will make up the difference.
Raising funds for
Praying for a wonderful time which changes you and others for ever!
Love you guys can’t wait to hear all about it xxxx
Praying for you all on this trip! Love from the Yuill’s!
Praying for you all on your pioneering trip! May it be a blessing and encouragement to you, and all those you meet xx
God is going to do so much through you all on this trip!
Praying for you as you embark on your trip to Uganda. We are excited to hear the debrief afterwards with news of how God's kingdom is growing! Lots of Love, Alice & Phil
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