School Building Mission to Kenya
UK homeless travel to Nairobi to help build school for slum children
Closing date: 20 March 2025
As a way to ‘give back’ and also learn, four ex-homeless men will travel 4000 miles to help rebuild a slum school. The school was demolished for the government to build a road. Cana Junior school is in Kibera -the largest slum in Africa that has anywhere between 600 - 1 million residents. Cana is an informal school that benefits approximately 100 children who’s poor background means, they wouldn’t otherwise access education.
The four Embassy village’s ex-homeless men together with three of their support will work alongside local builders for 7 days. It will cost £50 to employ one local builder for the duration. We aim to raise £500, so as to give 10 people from the community work for the 7 days.
Embassy will be hosted by Kanzi Kenya, supported by
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