Just Christmas 2023
Raising £20k for Bethany Christian Trust
Closing date: 06 November 2024
Just Christmas is an invitation to do Christmas differently.
To give time that would normally be lost to the rush of Christmas festivities. To give money away that we would normally unnecessarily spend. We want to share the love of Jesus in very practical ways. This year one of the ways the Central Church Family are doing this is by raising money to give to Bethany Christian trust, an organisation which works to prevent and end homelessness around Scotland.
Find out more: https://centralchurch.co.uk/justchristmas
Welcome to our Stewardship fundraising page. Donating with Stewardship is really easy and completely secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Thanks for visiting! Just Christmas is a campaign run by Central Church, Scottish Charity No.SC005871 - all donations given here will be passed onto Bethany Christian Trust regardless of whether we are over or under our target.
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