Home Rebuild with Amos Trust
Closing date: 31 January 2025
In Spring 2024 we were due to return to Palestine with Amos Trust to assist in the rebuilding of one of the many homes there that have been demolished leaving families devestated and without hope for their futures.
It would have been our third such venture but sadly, the trip has now been cancelled due to the ongoing war in Gaza.
We know that many of you have given generously towards the cost of the build and we wanted to reassure you that these gifts will be used by Amos Trust in their mission to bring justice and hope to the forgotten in Palestine.
Earlier this year, one of the houses which we had helped to rebuild with Amos Trust was cruelly demolished and the family lost their home for the second time. Amos Trust was able to donate funds to enable to rebuild for them once more.
Whilst Amos Trust is unable to take a group to the West Bank at this time, the work still continues and they remain committed to the project.
Thank you for your support.
Mick & Helen
Raising funds for
Given with hope and love which far far greater than fear and hate.
Mick and Helen, thanks for what you are doing. With our love.
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