Seagate Uganda Team 2024
Mission International
Closing date: 15 February 2026
In July 2024, a team of 11 people from Seagate Church in Troon are heading to Uganda to work in partnership with the Lugazi Christian Fellowship.
35 years ago - Hugh Henderson, started a mission partnership with Pastor Sam Okadi in Lugazi. This Mission Team are aiming to continue that long association with the Lugazi church. We are raising money to help fund the trip and to raise money for the various projects that the Lugazi church are already involved in. We will be working with several schools, running holiday clubs, helping with some small practical projects, bringing clothes and food to some of the poorest people in the town and hopefully introducing a new younger generation who will continue the connection between Lugazi Christian Fellowship and Mission International long into the future.
The team will be organising a Ceilidh, hosting bake sales, running half marathons and completing cycling challenges. Any help you can give us will be amazing.
Thank you for your support.
Raising funds for
Amazing work, god bless!
Praying for you all. Enjoy.
Wishing all a succesful trip
Well done Gordon
Well done Alison! Have a great trip. We are proud to be related to you. Bruce and Sharon Oliver
Love and prayers go with you all on this trip to Uganda
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