Mark's Pennine Way Challenge
Starting on 12th May Mark will be walking the 268 miles (431 Km) of the Pennine Way, from Derbyshire to Scotland, camping as he goes to raise £20,000 for further mentoring support for young people leaving prison.
Closing date: 30 June 2024
This year we are celebrating over ten years of In2Out supporting young people leaving custody. During that time, we've supported well over 750 young people as they've returned to their communities.
We're using this milestone to raise funds so we can not only continue, but expand our work and help change more lives from the 'Inside to the Out'. Please support me as I take on the challenge of the Pennine Way and make a difference in the lives of some amazing young people who with the right encouragement and support can get their lives back on track. Sign up to my daily blog at to follow the highs and lows of my journey.
Donating with Stewardship is really easy and completely secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Thanks for visiting!
Raising funds for
Amazing achievement Mark! Well done! The Simpsons
Well done! A great walk in aid of great work.
This gift is from Alice’s granny, Beryl Collins. I’ve heard the story of Mark’s challenge and I’ve found it very moving and inspirational. I would like to support this wonderful charity. Love Granny
Well done Mark. You've passed the £20,000 target and I hope the figure keeps on growing for a bit longer - you, and those you help, deserve this great response. G and E
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