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Cyclone Freddy support in Diocese of Tete, Mozambique

Closing date: 19 October 2023



Raised out of £1000 target


Including Gift Aid: £ 0

Raised offline: £ 0



Cyclone Freddy that hit southern Africa in March 2023 has caused devastation for over 1.5 million people in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. 

Every year, the people of Mozambique are experiencing numerous extreme weather conditions and sadly this is beginning the horrific new normal. 

We are working with the Anglican Diocese of Tete to support families in the districts of Doa & Mutarara where around 6,275 people have been accommodated in the temporary accommodation centre and around 5,000 houses were destroyed. 

The Anglican Missionary Diocese of Tete is working in partnership with government agencies and other organisations to buy school supplies and clothes for children who have lost everything in the cyclone so they can get back into school. 

A school pack (notebooks, pens, pencils, textbooks etc) costs £12 and so we are looking to buy 60 packs for children and clothing

If you would like more information on this work, do get in touch <[email protected]

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