Support the work of Christian Voice
And make a real difference on high!
Closing date: 18 January 2025
While people struggle to buy food, find somewhere to live and keep warm, the UK government is obsessed with Net Zero, stopping people praying against abortion, preventing ministry to those fighting homosexual desires and promoting Western evils abroad.
Christian Voice stands for Biblical values in law and public policy. Our monthly newsletter and our regular 'E-Alerts' empower our members, people like you, to pray into events and speak truth to those in power.
Join this ministry and we shall send you our latest newsletter. With your prayer, your action and your financial support for Christian Voice you will make a real impact in the spiritual realm.
Giving with Stewardship is easy, secure and transparent and no gift is too large or too small. (Plus, if you are a UK taxpayer, they help us reclaim Gift Aid on your donation). Thank you in advance for investing in our work for the Kingdom of God!
Psalm 40:9 I have preached righteousness in the great congregation.
Raising funds for
listened to Stephen talking at Bethell Christian Centre on Sunday morning and would like to donate to the work of Christian Voice Blessings & gratitude to you all
Keep up the good work
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