As Chief Purpose Officer for Stewardship, Daniel oversees the marketing communications, strategic partnerships and HR for Stewardship.
He joined Stewardship in 2007 and prior to his current role he led the Generosity Services division, driving growth in giving towards our target of £250m by 2025.
He has been responsible for developing many successful giving campaigns within Stewardship, including the popular 40acts Lent Challenge, and previously advised the National Stewardship Committee for the Church of England, particularly digital innovations like contactless collection plates and curriculums for parishes. Daniel was also instrumental in bringing the Giving Tuesday movement to the UK following its successful launch in the USA.
Before joining Stewardship, Daniel led Hand in Hand for 3 years, a Christian international development charity that he co-founded with friends and continues to serve as trustee.
He is married with a teenage daughter and is currently exploring life in a local estate-based church plant.