Gifts to pastors can come in all shapes and sizes and for all sorts of different reasons. This paper seeks to provide practical insights on how churches and pastors might deal with gifts, highlighting one or two areas of concern that require consideration. It is important for all churches to balance generosity and the relational aspect of church with compliance and accountability.
Topics included;
- Biblical principles - generosity, openness and transparency;
- The nature of gifts;
- Gifts from people or organisations not directly linked to the church;
- The pastor's employment;
- Taxation;
- Gifts from church, congregation, members and friends;
- A special relationship;
- Influence is a two way street;
- Taxation and other matters;
- Generosity and the pastor's remuneration;
- Some areas for consideration;
- a generous remuneration;
- providing a place to talk;
- communication and teaching;
- a clear policy;
- accountability - a gifts register;
- income and taxation.