FAB runs breastfeeding and infant feeding support groups across England (currently in Bolton, Wakefield, Dorset, and Lancashire) that provide practical and emotional support to new mothers and families to help them bond with their baby.
Breastfeeding is free and is highly beneficial, having been proven to improve infant and maternal health, and to support the vital relationship-building necessary for a newborn's best start in life. But while breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn't always come naturally, and it can be an emotive subject for many families.
FAB has nearly 20 years' experience of supporting families by implementing and delivering peer support services within diverse and disadvantaged communities. We create safe and supportive environments where new mums feel empowered and enabled to breastfeed. But no-one is turned away if they aren't breastfeeding – FAB can give support with any area of infant feeding, working with grandparents, partners, carers etc, as well as mothers.