The vision of the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church (CEMC) is to be an inclusive community in the heart of the city where we share God's love through working with and for others, to transform our community and the world. The mission priorities agreed by the Church Council are consistent with the four aims of the Methodist Church in Great Britain: worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism.
The Church's mission priorities are:
• To provide a range of quality worship services which draw as many as possible closer to God.
• To nurture faith development in all, at whatever stage of their faith journey.
• To seek actively through prayer, pastoral care and other spiritual disciplines, to allow the kingdom of God to grow amongst us such that we all become active partners in the mission of the Church both as individuals and as a faith commu-nity.
• To follow the example of Christ in caring for and championing the needs of the most vulnerable with an emphasis on working with partners and developing clear mission priorities for the use of our buildings.