& Friendship
We are on a mission to bring the good news of Jesus to the people of Wollaston. Our vision is to re-establish a legacy of faith to see healing and hope in our generation.
Our church family was planted in May 2021 as Church in the Community Wollaston. In 2024, we renamed our church ‘Orchard Church.' God has been shaping our church family and developing a new and exciting vision for the church. So, we felt it right to modify our name to reflect that vision. As an orchard is a collection of trees planted for the purpose of bearing fruit, we are a collection of people planted in Christ for the purpose of bearing Spiritual fruit.
As a Church family, we have several different opportunities to connect, which serve as vital spaces for the local community. You can connect with us through Little Lights, Silver Linings, Alpha, Life Groups and Sunday Gatherings. All of our times together are focused community, and seeking to be the church.