& Training
The vision of the Institut Biblique de Bruxelles, established in 1919, is unashamedly focussed on training for gospel ministry, since we believe that it is by the gospel that God works to save and to sanctify his people. Thus we aim ‘to train faithful, competent, godly servants of the gospel for the harvest field of French-speaking Europe in order to promote God's glory.'
We seek to operate with five core values that derive from this vision:
(1) faithfulness to God's word;
(2) the centrality of the gospel;
(3) rigour in the study of Scripture;
(4) an emphasis on students' growth in godliness;
(5) a close link between classroom studies and the hands-on practice of ministry in the church world.
For further information, including a monthly prayer diary available in English, please see our website: www.institutbiblique.be
The team expresses deep gratitude to God for any support, whether financial or in prayer.