& Friendship
& Outreach
The NCF charity exists to establish and maintain a centre for restoration at New Chapel Farm, Mells, Suffolk. The NCF charity will enable this work financially and the vision of the charity includes renting or buying property at NCF as necessary to sustain and develop the work.
The primary aim of NCF is to bless Christian key workers, along with Christians in positions of leadership and teams involved in gospel mission and ministry. NCF also supports restoration by providing a space for teams or groups to get away together and do work that aligns with the restorative purposes of the kingdom of God.
Based on Isaiah 61: 1-6, the vision for NCF is to provide a place that enables:
> The good news of the gospel to reach the poor
> The broken-hearted to be healed
> The enslaved to be set free
> Those in darkness to find the light
> Those who mourn to be comforted
> Beauty to replace ashes
> Joy to replace mourning
> Praise to replace despair