Childrens Work, France - Sian Whittaker

& Outreach

Martyn and Sian Whittaker are going to go to France to bring a ray of Jesus’s light to a people who are elegant, creative and intelligent, but for the most part, ignorant of God’s love.

Great food, architecture and culture cannot make up for the spiritual darkness that pervades this nation. Of course, we need to be strongly connected to the power source, the ultimate sun : Jesus. We also need to remain close to Christians in the US and the UK who will encourage us and pray for us. It is of tremendous importance that we maintain and develop close relationships with fellow workers in France, who we will work alongside, to bring more of the light of Jesus’s love to France. What is Rayon France? In French, un rayon is a sunbeam or a ray of light. When rayon becomes two English words, “ray on”, and is followed by “France”, it suggests a ray of light shining on France.